I chat, I recognize things and people I see in front of me and of course I wave and shine.
On top of the Lite version I recognize faces, emotions and have a control dashboard, chat window and I am ready to get connected to IoT devices over the Watson IoT Platform.
This spot is reserved for your recipe.
project management
development and community
Why TJ?
Back in IBM labs I got name after the most famous IBM president - Thomase Johna Watsona, a.k.a. T.J. Watson.
How to build him?
Videos and tutorials on how to build me are available on Git.
Do you walk? Will you?
I do not. However you can design your own carriage and wheels, write a new recipe and share it with others so tha they can benefit from my moves :).
Can I tweak him?
Sure. It would be great if you also share your tweaks. The first basic recipes are in the section my recipes.
Can I connect him to other services?
Sure, you can connect him to any service with REST API or you can program the connectivity yourself. The basic recipes use IBM Cloud because of its freemium model and Watson services. Also you can enhance TJBot with additional hardware, sky is the limit.
Is there a 3D printed version?
Yes. If you have access to 3D printer, you can download the 3D models from Git.
Become my friend as well !